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Movimento ReCiclo (in-store take-back program)

​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​O Movimento ReCiclo ​​​​​​​offers to our customers and people in general an alternative for the disposal of used clothes. The program receives clothing in good conditions which are sent for reuse,​ and provides an option for the disposal of items that cannot be reused. It is currently available in more than 160 stores, in all the states of Brazil. In order to participate, place used clothes you no longer want into the ReCiclo collection box, as you wish. Clothing items of all the brands are accepted, given that they are clean and you follow the rules, which you may access here.​

​Items placed into the collection boxes are sent to C&A’s Distribution Center, where they are sorted out and classified.
Clothes in good conditions are sent to Centro Social Carisma, in Osasco-SP. They ensure that these items are reused by people in greater need.

Items that are not in good conditions for use are sent  to Retalhar, a B-Corporation that does the reverse manufacture of clothes, that is, they sort out components, such as zippers and  buttons, and send them for recycling. Fabric is sent for defibering, a process that turns it into raw material mainly for the automotive industry.


Movimento ReCiclo was launched in September 2017 and has already collected over 93,000 clothing items*, totaling about 25 tonnes of clothes. Approximately 70% is sent for reuse and 30% for recycling.

The items that are recycled and therefore, not sent to landfill, prevent the emission of approximately 57 tonnes of carbon equivalents in the atmosphere, the same impact of planting 363 trees**.
C&A intends to continue expanding Movimento ReCiclo, as a part of its sustainability strategy. Currently, each new open store  has a box.

* Data up to August 2020. **Source: Journal of Textile Science & Engineering​ e Calculadora de CO2 da Iniciativa Verde
Updated on  21/10/2020

Where are our collection boxes?