
​A​s on​e of our initiatives to achieve fashion with a positive impact, we have been monitoring and developing our supply chain in Brazil since 2006. This is a paramount subject for C&A. 

We also have  a worldwide mandatory Supplier Code of Conduct since 1996.​​​​​​​ In 2006, the company implemented an auditing system to prevent any type of illegal labor and seek the continuous improvement of labor conditions and environmental issues in its supply chain. 

​​​In 2015, the area became global and was named Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC). Since then, it has been following a checklist and aligned standards in all the regions in the world where C&A operates. Since we started the monitoring in Brazil, in 2006, more than 18,500 audits were done and 100% of our supply chain in the country (suppliers and subcontractors) have been audited by the SSC team.


​​​​In 2019, for example, approximately 130 million items were produced in order to be sold by C&A Brazil. Therefore, it is paramount that the selection of suppliers encourages safe and fair labor conditions. Infractions such as bonded or child labor are ​​deemed unacceptable and lead to the immediate suspension of suppliers.​

​Want to learn more? Click here to learn more about our efforts toward a sustainable supply chain.​